The crocuses are blooming right now. These little guys were my grandma's favorite flowers. When she and my grandpa had the ranch, she was so excited each spring, when the crocuses bloomed. Some people call these Pasque Flowers, I believe.

The sun played hide and seek with us all day long. It was either sunshine, for a second or two, then it was rain, wind or snow.

I've never seen a cow with a face like this! She was humped up from the wind and sleet, making her look even more humorous!

I had Robert drive fast to get ahead of the herd, so I could jump out and take a photo of them following us. They acted so happy to have company...:)

When we drove away from the herd, the mules followed the car, look at the wistful look on this guy's face. It almost broke our hearts to leave them!

Next post, I'll show the Black Leaf Canyon...
Trip to be continued!

Superb! Love the horses. Love the whole place. Am jealous!!!!