On Easter Sunday, we decided to head for the hills and see what we could find. We turned to the left when we drove out of our driveway and decided we'd see what the country looked like west of Augusta, Mt.

You might not expect to see Yak, but we did! If you leave Augusta, heading south west, toward Bean Lake, you drive by this herd.

These white tails watched us as we crossed the creek, the buck is growing his antlers for next season, you can see the velvety nubbins on his head.

We drove by the sign to Smith Creek Road, but when we saw a sign to Elk Creek, we had to turn off the highway and see what this road was like.

This is Hay Stack Butte. I liked the way the snow laid in the coulees and draws.

Here's Sawtooth in the distance. Most of the time, we drive to the base of Sawtooth, in the Sun River Game Range. On this day, the snow blocked the road on a lot of our old trails.

A road like this, beckons you onward! You can't wait to see what's around the next corner.

This is another view of Hay Stack Butte, we're now on the south side of the butte.

A forest fire raged through this area, you can see the burnt forest every where you look.

We stopped to visit the ranchers who live in this area, while we were talking, this bay horse herded wayward calves through the fence, back toward their mothers. He was free lancing!

I didn't think I got very many pretty photos while we were here, but when I looked through my selection, I had a hard time choosing. This is a beautiful area, and I'm sure glad we found it!

I don't know the name of this peak, but it's shape was so interesting. It's a large mountain.

Robert noticed this pond as we were driving along, it was on his side of the road. We had to stop and take photos as the patterns, colors, and reflections were awesome.

There were some fish in the pond, they got into a fight and stirred up the mud before we left.

The road goes on beyond this cabin, but we had to turn back at this place. The snow blocked us from going further.
When we left home, we threw some shrimp and lettuce into a cooler, along with some salad dressing. So this made a good place to eat lunch!